Hi friends,
A big welcome if you are just now joining us! This is a no pressure sew along - just the pattern split up into 8 weeks and a few tips along the way!
This is week number 4 for the Snowalong and we are now working our way thru the second half of our Snowflake and Asterisks quilts.
You can find the first few blog posts for the Snowalong here:

I hope that you are all having fun sewing along so far - these last few weeks are the best because you really get a great idea on what your finished quilt will look like!
Week 4: Snowflake Quilt / Blocks 12 - 13

This week on the Snowflake quilt we only have two blocks to complete: Blocks 12 - 13. Yay for an easy week! Go ahead and work head this week if you celebrate Thanksgiving and need next week off. Some of you might have time next week to be at home a bit more and can work on catching up or work ahead if you like.

Week 4: Asterisks Quilt / Blocks H G

This week on the Asterisks quilt we also have only two blocks: Blocks H G.

I love how you can really start to see the Asterisks pattern take shape this week. We are getting so close to finishing!

What to expect in Week 5
In week 5 we will again have only two blocks for both the Snowflake and the Asterisks quilts. I wanted to make sure Thanksgiving week for those of us who celebrate here in the US was nice and easy. That being said if you know you will be busy and want to keep up - you might go ahead and throw next weeks blocks into the pile with this weeks so you have one less thing on your plate... that plate is going to be heavy enough... hello turkey time!
Remember to take time off as needed - this sew along is for you!
Be sure to tag your projects using #snowalong on social media or add your progress photos to the Modern Handcraft Pattern Group on Facebook - we LOVE seeing all of the finished quilts and work in progress images you are all posting!
Happy sewing friends!