Hi friends,
I am always looking for ways to breathe new life into old patterns - and one of my favorites the Hexie Pillow pattern is so versatile.... it was just asking for some holiday time fun!
Today I am sharing a "mini charm pack" project. I am a big fan of mini charm packs - the cute little 2.5" charm packs that contain an entire collection's fabric. These are what I use on my Hexie Pillows and this stocking is the perfect size to accommodate a pack you might have at home. The size of this stocking is a bit smaller than a traditional pattern - but it's very easy to adjust (by using a stocking of your own as a template) and a bit more hexagons and fabric. Also feel free to grab any scraps you have or regular charm packs / fat quarters. It's easy to make 2.5" squares from anything.
FYI - there are a couple of affiliate links to my Amazon shop in this post

For this project I am using an upcoming line by Ruby Star Society called Hole Punch Dot and yes - these will be available in mini charm packs!

Materials needed:
- Hexie Pillow Pattern (includes instructions for the Modern Hexie Method)
- Stocking PDF Template
- Mini Charm Pack of fabric - you will need 34 - 40 2.5" x 2.5" squares of fabric for your hexagons
- 1" Hexagon papers - there is a printable included in the Hexie Pillow Pattern, gran the same number of templates as fabric squares.
- 2 Fat Quarters of fabric - choose one for your stocking outside, and one for your lining.
- 20" square of batting
- Permanent fabric glue
- Coordinating thread
- Basting Spray - optional
- Sewing Machine (rotary blade, cutting mat, scissors, pins, marking pen)

This stocking finishes at 9" x 14", the smaller size is perfect for a smaller space, as a gift, or as a decoration. If you would like a larger size - I recommend grabbing a brown bag (great for templates and a larger size) and trace the outline of a stocking you currently own. Add 1/4" - 1/2" of extra space around your outline - this will ensure that your finished stocking will end up the same size as your current stockings. Note that if you make a larger size stocking - you will need an additional mini charm pack, and additional fabric for your stocking + lining.
First things first - go ahead and start basting your hexagons. I have a handy video on my preferred method, thread basting. You can also glue baste if you like that better. I find that the papers are easier to remove when thread basting. A quick snip and they are ready to go.
Print out your Hexie Mini Stocking template - or trace a current stocking you own. Cut out template pieces and tape pieces A + B together.

Decide which direction you would like your stocking to face. I took a look at the stockings I currently own and decided to flip my template over and mark the other side as the front. This will help you out when tracing fabric and for future stockings you make.

Take the fat quarter you chose for your lining, and fold in half right sides facing. Trace your template and cut lining pieces.

Take the fat quarter you chose for your stocking, and fold in half wrong sides together. Place our template towards the bottom of the folded fat quarter (we will use the extra fabric at top for stocking hanging tab). Trace your template and cut stocking pieces.

Cut a rectangle measuring 2.5" x 6" from the remaining stocking fabric.
Lay your stocking pieces right side up on your 20" square of batting material. Spray baste to the batting if you need more stability, in the next few steps when we glue our hexies down - it will secure the material to the batting. Leave space around your stocking pieces on the batting - you will want the batting around the stocking fabric as a place for the hexies to hand over. You will cut out stocking shape from batting once the hexies have been quilted.

Prep your hexies with iron following the instructions in the Hexie Pillow pattern. You can also use the videos included in the pattern to help you with your hexie measurement and placement. I was able to use 34 hexies on this particular stocking. Depending on your placement, you might need a few more.
Secure your hexes following the Hexie Pillow pattern directions. I found starting in the middle and working one column at a time to work out best.

Quilt your stocking front.

Quilt stocking back if you like - this added a similar texture that gave the overall stocking a great feeling. I used a 3/4" spaced cross hatch.

Cut out your stocking front and back following your outline.
At your iron, fold your 2.5" x 6" rectangle in half lengthwise, wrong sides together. Unfold, and take both sides folded towards that middle crease and press. Fold in half again and press. At your machine stitch along each side to secure.
Take your stocking front and the matching lining piece. Pin lining and stocking front right sides facing. Pin along the top of the stocking (flat part). Stitch using a 1/4" seam allowance.
Take your stocking back, hanging tab piece and lining piece. Twist hanging tab and pin to the back of your stocking back piece (the back is the same side as the heel of the stocking, about 1/2" from the end). Then take your lining piece and pin to the top of the stocking (flat part) right sides facing. Stitch using a 1/4" seam allowance making sure to back stitch over the tab piece to secure.
Flip lining and stocking parts right side out, and press the top of the stocking on both pieces to create a nice clean fold. It's easier to press this now before we new the two halves together.

On your work surface, open up your two stocking halves and lay right sides together (stocking parts together and lining pieces together). Make sure to pin the seam where your stocking and lining was sewn together and make sure these match up perfectly. Pin around the perimeter of the project.

Mark a spot on your lining where you will start and stop your sewing. Make sure it is large enough for you to pull your stocking right side out. Back stitch at the beginning and end and sew around the perimeter of the stocking using 1/4" seam allowance.

Turn your stocking right side out through the opening you left in the lining. Poke out curves with a pencil or knitting needle and press. Stitch opening in lining closed and tuck into your stocking.

Press stocking again and you are finished!

I hope you enjoyed today's project! I love the look of handmade items around the holidays. and stockings are a great project that you will love using year after year!
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Happy Sewing friends!