Hi friends!
Today I am sharing another option that you have when making an Increase quilt - the 1-color version! I call it the 1-color version because you are choosing 1 color for your plus shapes, then choosing a color for your background.

This particular quilt was made using a beautiful Yarn Dyed Essex Linen from Robert Kaufman in the color Aqua with a Kona Snow solid as the background. The backing that you will see in a moment was from a duvet cover I bought from H&M home - they always have fun prints in the kids section, and a duvet gives you 2 quilt backs, jackpot!
Fabric Requirements

For quilting, similar to the cover quilt in cross stitch fabric that I shared yesterday I used my Janome 6700p and 1/2” spacing on the straight lines.

The rainbow print on the cream duvet cover I used for backing has a single line of the aqua shade, so it matches nicely but gives it a fun little pop of color. This would be so fun for a little girl or boys nursery.

I did some big stitch binding on this quilt as well. Using a cream colored Aurifil 12 wt thread to match.

For those of you on Instagram you might recognize my little basting bunny Spot…. well, he’s not really that helpful but he is our sweet little pet we got back in October who likes to hang out with me when I’m basting quilts. He just turned 6 months yesterday and is a Holland Lop - he loves head scratches but will not let me pick him up…. maybe one of these days!
Thanks for visiting friends
Happy sewing!